JCM is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on the science and engineering of communication and it's application. JCM invites original, previously unpublished, research, survey and tutorial papers, plus case studies and short research notes, on both applied and theoretical aspects of communications. The topics included but not limited to:
♦ Signal Processing for Communications ♦ Multimedia Processing and Communications ♦ Communication QoS and Performance Modeling ♦ Cross-layer Design and Optimization ♦ Communication and Information Theory ♦ Communication Software and Services ♦ Protocol and Algorithms for Communications ♦ Wireless Communications and Networking ♦ Wireless Ad-hoc and Sensor Networking ♦ Broadband Wireless Access ♦ Cooperative Communications and Networking ♦ Optical Communications and Networking ♦ Broadband Networking and Protocols ♦ Internet Services, Systems and Applications ♦ P2P Communications and Networking ♦ Pervasive Computing and Grid Networking ♦ Communication Network Security ♦ Cognitive Radio Communications and Networking ♦ Hardware Architecture for Communications and Networking ♦ Parallel and Distributed Computing ♦ Satellite and Space Communications ♦ Emerging Communication Technology and Standards