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e-Healthcare Interconnection Networking Services

Wei Liu1 and Eun K. Park2
1.Georgia Gwinnett College, Lawrenceville, GA 30043, USA
2.California State University, Chico, CA 95929, USA

Abstract—The research effort for a national e-Healthinterconnection infrastructure and for the needs of supportingdesign guidelines is in great demand. Additional researches in e-Healthcare network services are critical to universal deploymentin operational and security service management aspects. Thispaper presents our solution framework for e-Healthcareinterconnection infrastructure, operational management serviceswith security control, QoS guarantee, and new networkingservices creation. In the interconnection arena, we take intoconsideration to incorporate service management, on-demandaccess, quality-of-service accounting, and systeminterconnection requirements. In the security realm, our resultsinclude an e-Healthcare network security solution that enablesmulti-party participation, allows variable visibility into selectiveparts of data, and guarantees end-to-end security control.Altogether, our research provides a much needed innovativeinfrastructure framework to address the challenges andrequirements as presented in this paper.
Index Terms—e-Health Interconnection, End-to-end Control, e-Health Service Security, Service Management, e-Health QoS Components, Service Creation and Operations

Cite: Wei Liu and Eun K. Park, "e-Healthcare Interconnection Networking Services," Journal of Communications, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 550-560, 2013. doi: 10.12720/jcm.8.9.550-560