Abstract—A wireless subway collision avoidance system basedon zigbee network is proposed in this paper. In the proposal, allthe zigbee nodes are divided into two types, fixed nodes andmobile nodes. The fixed nodes are deployed in tree topologynetworks overlapped with each other along the subway tunnel;the mobile nodes are installed on the trains. The core idea is assoon as a fixed node establishing an association with a mobilenode, the fixed node broadcasts the event with MAC address ofthe mobile node immediately. By listening the broadcastedmessages, other nodes can deduce position of the mobile nodecurrently being associated. In such a way, the overlapped zigbeenetworks can locate positions, detect abnormal stop of trainsand broadcast these information to other trains in the tunnel.With each train knowing position of the train ahead of it, thecollision can be avoided. The proposed zigbee network systemis evaluated by ns-2, simulation results are presented. Index Term—wireless network, zigbee, train collision avoidance Cite: Wei Liu and Eun K. Park, "e-Healthcare Interconnection Networking Services," Journal of Communications, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 561-565, 2013. doi: 10.12720/jcm.8.9.561-565