Abstract—The end-to-end transport principle has been one of the building blocks since the Internet born. However, with the explosion of Internet scale and various services, all of these pound on the poor scalability and strictness of the end-to-end model. With the Internet switch from host-center network to services/information/content centric network. In this paper, we investigate the two traditional end-to-end transport protocols thoroughly as a guidance for designing an appropriate substitute transport principle for the new architecture. In detail, our work explores various network traffic combination performance from the perspective of the transport layer. Firstly, we model the endto-end transport process and analyze the delivery possibility against the transmission attempts. Then, we deduce the servicecurve of the composite TCP and UDP traffic. Further, we simulate the topology taken from our campus network to evaluate the performance of two cases: 1. different traffic amount with the same traffic combination; 2. various traffic combinations under the same traffic flow amount. The simulation results show that UDP take 30%-75% of the network traffic could benefit the throughput performance, which offers an indicator for adjusting the node traffic combination in order to improve the network performance. Moreover, we consider delay, packet drop rate and resource utilization efficiency. Based on all these, the composite traffic combination could be modified to ensure the quality of service more comprehensively. Index Terms—end-to-end transport model, performance evaluation, delay, drop rate, network calculus, NS-2, composite traffic combination Cite: Yangyang Gao, Fei Song, and Yajuan Qin, "Further Explore on Performance of Various Traffic Combination based on Network Calculus," Journal of Communications, vol. 8, no. 10, pp. 620-628, 2013. doi: 10.12720/jcm.8.10.620-628