Abstract—In this paper we propose a low-complexity error-resilient and joint source-channel video coding algorithms for video codec based on three-dimensional discrete wavelet transform (3-D DWT). First, we show that the video stream, generated by 3-D DWT codec with the proposed error-resilient, is significantly more robust to packet losses than video stream generated by scalable extension of the H.264/AVC standard (H.264/SVC). Second, in comparison with H.264/SVC the proposed joint source-channel video coding algorithm demonstrates better performance for high packet loss rates. Finally, the computational complexity of 3-D DWT encoder with error-resilient and joint source-channel video coding is 3-6 times less than H.264/SVC encoder. Therefore, it can be more preferable for video transmission over highly unreliable channels and (or) in systems in which the video encoding computational complexity or power consumption play a critical role. Index Terms—unequal loss protection, 3-D DWT, H.264/SVC Cite: Evgeny Belyaev, Karen Egiazarian, Moncef Gabbouj, and Kai Liu, "A Low-Complexity Joint Source-Channel Videocoding for 3-D DWT Codec," Journal of Communications, vol. 8, no. 12, pp. 893-901, 2013. doi: 10.12720/jcm.8.12.893-901