Abstract—60GHz communication occupies huge transmission bandwidth and presents a diffuse multipath transmission characteristic, so there is a certain complexity in channel estimation. This paper using actual 60GHz-HSI-OFDM system model and realistic 60GHz channel model, presents the estimation scheme based on training sequence and pilot signal respectively. 60GHz channel usually belongs to time-invariant channel, while in reality, each frame may last several hundred milliseconds. So channel status may change during this time. The OFDM data symbols in each frame using the channel estimated value by the training sequence may appear deviation, which led to a decline in system performance. This moment the pilot subcarriers are designed to estimate channel. But because the number of pilot subcarriers is only 16, the estimation precision may be inadequate. To solve this problem, this paper proposes pilot subcarriers jointing null subcarriers, guard subcarriers to estimate the channel information and improves the estimated precision. Meanwhile, in order to improve the poor estimation performance when using pilot subcarriers, compressed sensing (CS) technology is introduced to 60GHz channel estimation. The simulation results show that CS algorithm could get better performance than LS and DFT algorithm when using OFDM subcarriers to estimate channel information. Finally the best subcarriers estimated solution is proposed for 60GHz LOS and NLOS channels respectively by analysis. Index Terms—60GHz, channel estimate, compressed sensing, pilot subcarriers, training sequence Cite: Wei Shi, Hao Zhang, Xinjie Wang, Jingjing Wang, and Hongjiao Zhang, "Research on Channel Estimation Algorithm in 60GHz System Based on 802.15.3c Standard," Journal of Communications, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1-12, 2014. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.9.1.1-12