Abstract—Recent developments in Optical IP networks have heightened the need for reduction on power consumption via so called green photonics and concepts known as green networking. Adhering to these principles we proposed a novel energy savings approach which can be applied to optical IP networks and is based on so called “hibernation mode with segmentation link” technique. The hibernation mode technique is designed to help to reduce power consumption by sleep the network links and can help to optimise network overall energy usage by taking advantage of the hibernation algorithms we have developed. The proper implementation over the network infrastructure will save energy, operating cost to network operators, and while at the same time will also deliver reduced carbon footprint. In this paper, we show design model for developing energy efficient Segment-Link approach. In this scheme, the improvised energy saving techniques focus on selective sleeping of optical core fibre links, following which the Routing Wavelength Assignment algorithm based on GMPLS control plane are investigated. Simulation models and results for the proposed scheme are evaluated in both the fibre link only and segmentation-link schemes scenarios. The results shows that a significant amount of energy can be saved if appropriate “segmentation-link” mechanisms using optical bypass and traffic grooming is invoked. Index Terms—Energy efficiency, IP over WDM networks, power consumption, OXC, GMPLS, segmentation-link Cite: Mohd Nazri Mohd Warip, Ivan Andonovic, Ivan Glesk, Phaklen Ehkan, Fairul Afzal Ahmad Fuad, and Mohamed Elshaikh Elobaid Said Ahmed, "Energy Efficient Segmentation-Link Strategies for Transparent IP over WDM Core Networks," Journal of Communications, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 48-55, 2014. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.9.1.48-55