Abstract—In ocean exploration and other maritime engineering, UAN (Underwater Acoustic Networks) is bound to play more important roles. Thinking of the serious environment UAN operates, safety and security must be guaranteed first. Among the possible attacks against UAN, DoS (Denial of Service) is a class of commonly-used methods. The basic procedures of different DoS attacks are analyzed and some of the DoS attacks against UAN are simulated to investigate their effects to lower the performances of UAN. Flooding, wormholes and selective forwarding attacks against UAN are studied via simulation. At last, some recommendations are given to improve the security performance of UAN based upon the results of simulations. Index Terms—underwater acoustic networks, security of UAN, DoS attacks, flooding, wormholes, selective forwarding Cite: Yangze Dong, Hefeng Dong, and Gangqiang Zhang, "Study on Denial of Service against Underwater Acoustic Networks," Journal of Communications, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 135-143, 2014. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.9.2.135-143