Abstract—This paper describes a non-blind technique, channel sounder, to characterize a wireless channel. This technique is based on the transmission of a pseudo random sequence through the channel, the calculation of its autocorrelation to estimate the channel impulse response, and from it the calculation of the Delay and Doppler spread parameters. This channel sounder was implemented using GNU radio software and software defined radio units (USRP N200). Experiments were performed at different scenarios: an anechoic chamber, a parking lot, and a street. The results show that in absence of interference or multipath the Delay and Doppler Spread parameters were zero; however they differed from zero with interference, attenuation, and multipath. These results show that the technique could be used to characterize and qualify available spectrum channels, since the measurements can reflect not only multipath but also other factors such as interference and attenuation. Index Terms—Delay spread, doppler spread, channel characterization, autocorrelation Cite: Hector Reyes, Naima Kaabouch, and Wen-Chen Hu, "Spectrum Channel Characterization Using Delay and Doppler Spread Parameters," Journal of Communications, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 234-240, 2014. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.9.3.234-240