Abstract—In this paper we introduce a new Platform-as-a-Service cloud environment that combines the LINDA coordination language, an in-memory key-value store, with functional programming to facilitate efficient execution of tenant plugins and applications. In the implementation a tuple space plays a central role in introducing deterministic services for basic parallel programming, including message passing, persistent infinite message pools and transactions. Redis, a key-value store, serves as the in-memory tuple space that glues together parallel constructs (i.e. skeletons) of formerly monolithic business applications to form an elastic distributed application. Although functional programming languages have adopted new runtime technology to achieve parallel execu- tion, which is mostly focused on threads, it rarely offers an obvious way to match functions to threads. We find that the LINDA tuple space and its coordination model offers a general purpose paradigm to tackle synchronisation issues that ties into both domains of computing clouds: computation through supporting common skeletons and big data (analytics) through serving as an in-memory data grid. Index Terms—Tuple space, PaaS, cloud computing, coordi-nation languages, LINDA, threads, multi-tenancy Cite: Joerg Fritsch and Coral Walker, "A Novel Weighted Centroid Localization Algorithm Based on RSSI for an Outdoor Environment," Journal of Communications, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 286-298, 2014. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.9.4.286-298