Abstract1—Because of the isomorphism between P2P networks and mobile ad hoc networks (MANET), many research communities are focusing on the work based on the combination of P2P and the backbone strategy, and this produces a field called mobile peer-to-peer (MP2P) networks. An effective algorithm for searching and retrieving information has proven to make a great impact on the performance of MP2P systems. Based on the connected dominating-set (CDS), which overlays the whole Mobile P2P ad hoc network, we propose a dominating-set-index based searching algorithm, named DSI, using dominating set indices to maximize the return of search results. DSI periodically advertises information of shared resources on the backbone of current network topology in a distributed fashion. Similar information will be clustered close to the backbone network. This can accelerate the searching process, as the resource location information is placed close to normal nodes. Both theoretical analysis and experimental results show that DSI outperforms the existing searching algorithms in MANET, OLSR, local index tree (LIT) and pure flooding, in terms of network workload and degree of user satisfaction. Index Terms—Mobile ad hoc network, peer-to-peer networks, virtual backbone, dominating-set-index Cite: Cheng Chang, Ye Wang, and Jie Sun, "Dominating-Set-Index based Searching Algorithm in Mobile P2P Networks," Journal of Communications, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 332-342, 2014. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.9.4.332-342