Abstract—QoS routing algorithm is an important issue to research in wireless multimedia sensor networks (WMSNs). The least energy-consumption and real-time routing policies are addressed in the paper. A novel QoS routing algorithm is proposed to optimize QoS parameters based on event-sensitive node set. This algorithm includes three parts. Firstly, graph G of WMSNs is traversed and these nodes whose residual energy is lower than a desired value will be removed from G. Secondly, Dijkstra algorithm with energy consumption as metric parameter is used to compute the least energy paths from each event sensitive node to the sink node. Thirdly, if a path destroys the delay upper bound, the least delay path will be computed to replace the least energy consumption path. Its correctness is also reasoned and proved in theories. At last, two simulation experiments are done to test the proposed algorithm. Index Terms—Wireless multimedia sensor networks, routing algorithm, QoS, theory analysis, simulation Cite: Ling Zhou and Deng F. Zhang, "Least Energy-Consumption Real-Time Routing Algorithm Based on Event-Sensitive Node Set," Journal of Communications, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 535-540, 2014. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.9.7.535-540