Abstract—In this paper, a clustering algorithm based on the cooperative transmission technology is proposed with respect to uneven energy consumption in large scope wireless sensor network. In this algorithm, to ensure the even distribution of the cluster head nodes in large scope wireless sensor network which has even clusters, the cooperative transmission technology is applied in data transmission among the clusters. System performance is improved by virtual multi-antenna system which is constituted through cooperative transmission between the sensor nodes. The experimental results show that the energy consumption is balanced and the network lifetime is extended. Index Terms—Wireless sensor network, energy consumption unbalanced, clustering algorithm, cooperative transmission, cluster head node Cite: Yang Jiang, Yiqian Yan, and Yang Yu, "Energy Balanced Clustering Algorithm in Large Scope WSN Based on Cooperative Transmission Technology," Journal of Communications, vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 627-633, 2014. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.9.8.627-633