Abstract—In the user deployed femtocell networks, the frequency collision dramatically decreases the throughput of femtocell networks. In this paper, we propose a frequency collision elimination method based on negotiation and non-cooperative game to avoid frequency collisions between neighboring femtocells. The frequency collisions inside a cluster are figured out by using the negotiation mechanism. The game theoretical mechanism deals with the inter-cluster frequency collisions. The femtocell network gets an equilibrium point rapidly by using the proposed methods in the context of stable femtocell network topology. Furthermore, the method is achievable in realistic communication system. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme significantly reduces the interference and considerably increases the average capacity of femtocells. Index Terms—Femtocell network, fractional frequency reuse, frequency collision, game theory Cite: Xiong Zhou, Suili Feng, and Yuehua Ding, "Frequency Collision Elimination Method Based on Negotiation and Non-Cooperative Game in Femtocell Networks," Journal of Communications, vol. 9, no. 11, pp. 836-842, 2014. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.9.11.836-842