Abstract—Aimed at the path coverage problem for wireless multimedia sensor networks, MTPCA (Moving Target based Path Coverage-enhancing Algorithm) algorithm is proposed. This algorithm introduces the improved probabilistic model into the virtual potential field based directional sensor network coverage. In order to correct the centroid position of sector area covered by sensor node in traditional probabilistic model, this algorithm puts forward the concept of coverage impact factor to obtain better coverage effect. Furthermore, in MTPCA, multimedia sensor nodes acquire the real-time position information of target point through the discretization of the path curve. In this way, we further adjust the moving directions of each sensor to completely cover all the points along with the path curve. And meanwhile, for the sensing overlapping regions, according to the master active node selection criteria, MTPCA makes no-master nodes asleep for the purpose of energy-saving. The simulation results show that the algorithm can optimize the resource allocation, achieve the satisfactory coverage ratio, and extend the network lifetime. Index Terms—Wireless multimedia sensor networks (WMSN), path coverage, moving target, energy efficiency, virtual potential force, probabilistic model Cite: Yongcan Zhang, Haiping Huang, Peng Sun, and Yuwei Li, "Improving Path-Coverage for Moving Targets in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks," Journal of Communications, vol. 9, no. 11, pp. 843-850, 2014. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.9.11.843-850