Abstract—Early-warning information transmission can provide warning before emergence occur to avoid accident, and the key point is making the right vehicles in need obtain the right information. The stability of network structure and the effectiveness of channel allocation are deemed to be the key factors influencing early-warning information transmission performance. Considering Environmental noise factors, based on vehicular attribute information and early-warning information transmission requirement, a new concept Safety Warning Message (SWM) is defined, and a Cluster-Based Multi-Channel (CBMC) mechanism is proposed in this paper. Moreover, according to the proposed mechanism, the SWM transmission process is designed. A series of experiments on the sensor network testbed are done to evaluate the impact of proposed mechanism on SWM transmission. The experimental results show that proposed mechanism is benefit to improving global dissemination successful rate and shortening packet delivery delay. Index Terms—VANET, early-warning, SWM, cluster, multichannel Cite: Lei Ye, Chong Peng, Lingqiu Zeng, Qingwen Han, Xiaoying Liu, Dongmei Chen, and Chen Du, “Experimental Analysis of Cluster-Based Multi-Channel Mechanism for Inter-Vehicle Safety Warning Message Transmission," Journal of Communications, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 33-41, 2016. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.11.1.33-41