Abstract—In this paper, aiming to improve the quality of video transmission while satisfying the delay Quality of Service (QoS) requirements, we propose an efficient cross-layer assisted video transmission scheme by jointly considering the video coding rate and the available power resource. We jointly analyze the effects on the performance of video transmission from video coding rate at the application layer, queueing delay at the Media Access Control (MAC) layer, as well as the power control at the physical layer. Our objective is to minimize the sum distortion of all users under delay and power constraints. By a proper problem formulation, we can convert it into a convex one, which can be solved through utilizing the standard convex optimization technology. The performance of the proposed cross-layer assisted algorithm is evaluated through simulations. For performance comparison, we also present the simulation results of the artificial bee colony optimization algorithm and the fixed power optimization algorithm. Simulation results show that the proposed cross-layer assisted algorithm improves the video transmission quality considerably through the comparison with the other two algorithms. Index Terms—Cross-layer design, video transmission, queueing theory, rate and power control, convex optimization technology, artificial bee colony algorithm Cite: Jie Tian, Haixia Zhang, Dalei Wu, and Dongfeng Yuan, “Cross-Layer Assisted Power and Rate Control for Video Transmission in Wireless Networks," Journal of Communications, vol. 11, no. 2, pp.118-125, 2016. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.11.2.118-125