Abstract—As the use of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) such as drone has been increased recently, aerial video shooting technology and surveillance system began to attract global attention. The video surveillance system using an UAV requires high speed wireless transmission technology to obtain high resolution video images in real-time under poor on-air channel environment, accurate positioning trace technology to identify the actual position of the shooting area, and remote control technology for safe flight of an UAV. In this paper, solutions for two important technical issues that should be resolved and coupled in VSSU (Video Surveillance System using UAV) were suggested. One is a RTPA (Real-Time Position Analysis) method to estimate shooting location and area of an interesting zone. Another one is high-speed transmission method for wireless data-link to minimize distortion of valid images information even in poor wireless channel environment. The suggested high-speed transmission method provided same or higher transmission quality than existing wireless data-link transmission method, and more flexible data size to transmit both of mass video data and small control data. Also, the demanded performance of suggested methods was verified through simulation and actual realization. To analyze performance of the RTPA method, actual location and shooting area about shooting images were measured in three different locations by using Quad-copter. And then both location and shooting area of its predictability region were calculated based on GPS (Global Positioning System) information and camera status information by applying RTPA method. The result of this study can be applied to various surveillance applications. Index Terms—UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), VSSU (Video Surveillance System using UAV), RTPA (Real-Time Position Analysis), Wireless Transmission, ASS (Aerial Surveillance System), GCS (Ground Control Station), INS (Inertial Navigation System) Cite: Hwan-Chul Kim, Choong-Soo Lim, Chang-Seok Lee, and Jeong-Hun Choi, “Introduction of Real-Time Video Surveillance System Using UAV," Journal of Communications, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 213-220, 2016. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.11.2.213-220