Abstract—Content-Centric Networking (CCN) is a candidate future Internet architecture that gives favorable promises in MANET environment. It is allowed that data of content producer is cached anywhere in Content Centric MANET (CCMANET). This scheme decoupling of data from the source make traditional end-end authentication transmission unavailable in CCMANET. To ensure high availability of the cached data only to legitimate users, Secure Content Delivery scheme based on Yaksha (YSCD) for CCMANET is proposed in this paper. Yaksha server manages users and verifies user identification, and distributes “license” only to legitimate user for publishing content to network or attaining content from network. In this paper, the license is the joint signature of the legitimate user and the Yaksha server. In YSCD, it is guaranteed that only the legitimate users can publish to the network and access the content cached on the network. Finally, we prove security properties of YSCD in Protocol Composition Logic (PCL). Index Terms—CCN/NDN, content deliverly, MANET, yaksha Cite: Xian Guo, Tao Feng, Jun-li Fang, JingWang, and Ye Lu, “Secure Content Delivery Scheme Based on Yaksha System for CCMANETs," Journal of Communications, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 221-230, 2016. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.11.2.221-230