Abstract—In this paper, we investigate the dynamic rate allocation for multipath routing with the node-disjoint paths in cognitive radio ad hoc networks composed of selfish secondary users (SUs) which are unwilling to forward the packets. We model the path stability factor of each path under a certain traffic session by distributing available channel in view of the carrier frequency of the available uplink channel on each path. Then the traffic sensing factor is also devised to characterize the priorities of different traffic sessions along the node-disjoint paths. In addition, we propose the differential game model of dynamic rate allocation for multi-path routing by taking into account both the mobility and random nature of the selfish SUs. A set of the non-cooperative optimal solutions to the dynamic rate allocation model is further obtained by deriving an optimization problem. Moreover, the distributed optimal rate update rule is developed to dynamically regulate the rate of traffic session over a certain path. Numerical results confirm that the effectiveness of the proposed dynamic rate allocation model. Index Terms—Cognitive radio, ad hoc networks, rate allocation, path stability, prioritized traffic session Cite: Long Zhang, Chunhong Bai, Fan Zhuo, Haitao Xu, and Wei Huang, “Dynamic Rate Allocation for Multipath Routing under Path Stability and Prioritized Traffic Session Constraints for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks wit," Journal of Communications, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 462-470, 2016. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.11.5.462-470