Abstract—The wireless system secrecy capacity over the fading channel can be improved with the use of intentionally generated noise signal broadcasted from the transmitter or external jammers. In this paper, the impact of deployment of multiple multi-antenna guard/independent noise generator nodes with each node broadcasting artificial noise to disrupt the signal received by passive eavesdropper is examined on the secrecy performance of wireless networks. Compared with the existing methods, the proposed scheme is very simple for the implementation because it requires no Channel State Information (CSI) about eavesdropper, no cooperation among the guard nodes, no complicated algorithms for scheduling, joint beamforming or other resource managements. Simulation results show that the system performance metric, secrecy capacity and the interception probability, can be improved by 9%. Index Terms—Wireless security, artificial noise, guard node, uplink and downlink communications, secrecy capacity, intercept probability. Cite: Lukman A. Olawoyin, Hongwen Yang, and Yue Wu, “Enhancing the Security of Wireless Communication with the Aid of Guard Nodes," Journal of Communications, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 586-591, 2016. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.11.6.586-591