Abstract—To conquer problems of bandwidth bottleneck and high latency in chain-type wireless communication network for transmission line online monitoring, an optimal model and multi-object-based decision for hybrid hierarchical communication network planning are proposed. A theoretical placement planning model of optical fiber separated towers is formulated with object of cost and end-to-end latency optimization, while satisfying constraints of graph-based path connectivity and bandwidth. Particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to solve the model to acquire the set of Pareto-optimal solutions along with the decision matrix. The most satisfactory communication network planning scheme is selected by the multi-attribute decision-making method based on fuzzy entropy weight of Vague set. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed model and algorithm is validated by results of the case study. Our analysis shows that an optimal placement can be obtained to configure network for delivering information to the dispatching center efficiently and cost-effectively. Index Terms—Online monitoring, smart grid, WSN, optical fiber separation, network planning Cite: Bin Yu, Xianggen Yin, Xu Chen, Zhe Zhang, and Lang Jiang, “Hybrid Hierarchical Communication Network Optimal Placement for Transmission Line Online Monitoring in Smart Grid," Journal of Communications, vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 798-804, 2016. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.11.9.798-804