Abstract—Battery-based energy storage (BESS) has found to have potential and interest in reducing the peak demand. Over the years, a number of control strategies have been developed for BESS to reduce the peak demand. The control strategies are however complex and confined to simulation evaluation only. The control strategies are also not tested in BESS set-up with limited capacity. A simple and yet comprehensive real-time active peak demand reduction control has therefore been developed and presented in this paper. The real-time active control has been evaluated experimentally using the university building as the site. The performance of the real-time control has been evaluated as compared to the fundamental control as well as the ideal reduction in simulation. Even though the capacity is limited, the results showed superiority and adoptability of the real-time active control as compared to the fundamental control, with peak demand reduction of about 8.64% as compared to 4.24%. The real-time active control also showed higher accuracy of 70.52% towards the ideal reduction result as compared to the fundamental control with only 35.25%. Index Terms—Peak demand reduction, energy storage system, bess, limited capacity, control system Cite: Lee Cheun Hau and Yun Seng Lim, “A Real-Time Active Peak Demand Reduction for Battery Energy Storage with Limited Capacity," Journal of Communications, vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 841-847, 2016. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.11.9.841-847