Home > Published Issues > 2017 > Volume 12, No. 2, February 2017 >

The Decision Support System by Optimization and Dynamic Analysis for Transportation Routing

Prapai Sridama
Department of Computer Sciences, Ban Bansomdejchaopraya Rajhaphat University, Bangkok 10600, Thailand

Abstract—The objective of this research is developing the decision support system by optimization and dynamic analysis (DSS_ODA) algorithm. Many techniques are used in this algorithm such as K-means algorithm, Hierarchical Clustering, Partition clustering, Lagrange multiplier method and the second condition. The checking rout paths procedure, the checking capacity procedure and optimization and dynamic analysis procedure are main elements. This research develops an application for testing efficiency that the DSS_ODA algorithm is the important algorithm of this application. The DSS_ODA algorithm is tested by 50 customers from a shipping company at Bangkok in Thailand. The results showed that, the DSS_ODA algorithm offers shipping cars for customers, reduces time and errors in finding the transportation routing from staff. Furthermore, the DSS_ODA algorithm decreases the time of transaction documents and reduces the time to decide from customer. Staffs have not over skill but they can use this program. This research surveys satisfaction of 50 customers. This survey finds the average of satisfaction is score 4.52 from score 5. In addition, the number of customers increases by 22.63 percent.
Index Terms—Optimization, dynamic algorithm, K-means algorithm, Lagrange multiplier method

Cite: Prapai Sridama, "The Decision Support System by Optimization and Dynamic Analysis for Transportation Routing," Journal of Communications, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 123-129, 2017. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.12.2.123-129