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Hybrid Rendezvous Algorithm against Jamming Attacks for Cognitive Radio Networks

Gabriel Anquetin and Yongchul Kim
Korean Military Academy, Seoul, South Korea

Abstract—Rendezvous is a fundamental step in communicating with cognitive radio networks. Existing rendezvous algorithms using the Channel Hopping (CH) method perform well to guarantee a rendezvous between Secondary Users (SUs) quickly. Jump-Stay based algorithms can guarantee rendezvous for asynchronous and asymmetric models, but these algorithms are particularly vulnerable to jamming attacks, which reduce rendezvous probability significantly from 100% to 10%. In this paper, we will introduce the Hybrid Rendezvous Algorithm (HRA), combining the positive benefits of existing algorithms in order to perform in both jamming and non-jamming situations.

Index Terms—Cognitive radio networks, rendezvous algorithms, jamming attacks

Cite: Gabriel Anquetin and Yongchul Kim, "Hybrid Rendezvous Algorithm against Jamming Attacks for Cognitive Radio Networks," Journal of Communications, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 169-174, 2018. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.13.4.169-174.