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Investigation between Performances of Free Space Optical Communication Links Under Atmospheric Turbulence

Vaishali , and Sandeep Sancheti
Department of ECE, Manipal University Jaipur, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

Abstract—Free Space Optics (FSO) is an emerging field that includes exclusive features of photonics. Optical carriers are used to deliver data in ultraviolet, visible and infrared bands respectively. It establishes a significant link in either terrestrial or ground to water or ground to space. However, as long as its demand is concerned, their performance is bound by some important factors that are needed to be discussed. In this review, focus is to investigate about the major gaps present as obstacles in the way of conceiving an optimized FSO link. This paper deals with the major contributions achieved in FSO as well as the impairments that are needed to be resolve for the establishment of FSO link. Major outcome parameters are discussed as BER performance, optimization of outage capacity, different modulation techniques, enlargement of beam coverage, spatial diversity, mitigation techniques etc. that directly deals with the performance of transmitting, channeling and receiving part of the FSO system respectively.

Index Terms—Free space optical communication, visible light communication, turbulence, optical wireless communication, scintillation, Laser

Cite: Vaishali and Sandeep Sancheti " Investigation between Performances of Free Space Optical Communication Links Under Atmospheric Turbulence," Journal of Communications, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 368-376, 2018. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.13.7.368-376.