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The Authentication Dilemma

Antoni Wiercioch, Stephanie Teufel, and Bernd Teufel
University of Fribourg, international institute of management in technology (iimt), 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland

Abstract—The design of user authentication has a significant impact on IT security or cybersecurity in general. Studies show that users put more weight on faster and more convenient access to an electronic device than on the security aspect. Classical authentication methods such as passwords are less effective because of their low practicality; around one third of users do not use passwords at all. In view of the increasing digitization and spread of smart and mobile devices, biometrics, i.e. behavior-based methods for the automatic identification of individuals, provides a user-friendly solution to the security question. In particular, behavioral biometrics as an implicit method offers a high degree of practicability with a relatively high level of security. Of course, biometric authentication cannot guarantee 100% security. Both, research and practice are facing an authentication dilemma: Increasing security is usually at the expense of user friendliness - and vice versa. The challenge is to optimize practicability and security in the authentication process.
Index Terms—Authentication, biometrics, cybersecurity, information security

Cite: Antoni Wiercioch, Stephanie Teufel, and Bernd Teufel, " The Authentication Dilemma," Journal of Communications, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 443-449, 2018. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.13.8.443-449.