Abstract—Signal processing in radar is used for extraction of target parameters. Rotating antennas can cover wide area during surveillance. Similarly wide beam antennas have an advantage of simplicity and more data reception. If the radar has a wide beam antenna which rotates, the effects are such as in accurate Doppler and parameter estimation. So these effects need to be compensated. The antenna rotation Doppler is modeled and compensated by using data shifting method in the processor. It is a very effective method and the results show that it works correctly. In this manuscript, the mathematical model of antenna rotation effects are presented for array antenna. The simulations were carried out in Matlab to implement the radar rotation and moving targets. The simulation results are shown with rotating antenna and its effects. The results are also shown after compensating the antenna rotation effect. The results verify the effectiveness of the compensating algorithm. Index Terms—Rotation, doppler, radar, antenna, compensation, algorithm, doppler adjustment, linear array, signal processing. Cite: Nauman Anwar Baig and Mohammad Bilal Malik, "Antenna Rotation Effects and its Compensation in Radar Signal Processing," Journal of Communications, vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 540-545, 2018. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.13.9.540-545.