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Formal Application Description of Autonomous and Cooperative M2M Application Services

Michael Steinheimer 1,2, Ulrich Trick 1, and Bogdan Ghita 2
1. Research Group for Telecommunication Networks, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt/M., Germany
2. Centre for Security, Communications and Network Research, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK

Abstract—This publication presents a novel concept for designing M2M applications on end user level. A formal description language is introduced that enables formal description of M2M application semantic based on statemachines. The evaluation of several modelling languages for describing statemachine-based application semantic are analysed with the result that UML Statemachine Diagrams form the best fitting approach for the introduced formal description language. The defined concept of behavioural modelling M2M application through end users by means of statemachines forms a generalised, intuitive and platform independent methodology to define the semantic of M2M applications.
Index Terms—Formal description, statemachine, M2M

Cite: Michael Steinheimer, Ulrich Trick , and Bogdan Ghita, "Formal Application Description of Autonomous and Cooperative M2M Application Services," Journal of Communications, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 33-39, 2018. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.14.1.33-39