Abstract—The growing number of the implementation of a cognitive femtocell communication system as a micro-scale communication system is caused by the fact that it presents a solution to the macro-scale communication system regarding the deployment flexibility, low cost in network development, and improving user quality at cell edge area. However, this condition also brings disadvantages related to user interference. One way to overcome the problem is by applying a power control system. Due to the dynamic nature of the user in the cognitive femtocell network, the user's own power control method is appropriate to be applied. The self-power control method in this study was based on the game theory approach or commonly known as the power control game (PCG). The number of users was firmly related to the performance of PCG. The results show that as the number of users increased, the power consumed and the number of iterations needed to achieve the condition of Nash equilibrium also increased. But the increase in the number of users reduced the achieved SINR. Index Terms—power control, cognitive femtocell, interference, PCG, Nash equilibrium. Cite: Anggun Fitrian Isnawati, Wahyu Pamungkas, and Jans Hendry, " Power Control Game Performance in Cognitive Femtocell Network, 53147, Indonesia," Journal of Communications, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 121-127, 2019. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.14.2.121-127.