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Home > Published Issues > 2019 > Volume 14, No. 7, July 2019 >
A Case Study: Application of Network Clock Model to Heterogeneous Sensor Networks
Abstract—A sensor network consists of sensor nodes that have sensing, computation and wireless communication capabilities. There are various sensor network applications, including disaster relief operations, environmental monitoring and control, precision agriculture, intelligent home and buildings, facility management, machine surveillance and preventive maintenance, medicine and healthcare, logistics, telematics, and others. Many of these applications share some basic functionalities, namely event detection, periodic measurement and tracking, all of which entail collecting and forwarding of event data. For the purposes of triggering an action, it is necessary to know when an event occurs. Certainly time is an essential factor in many sensor network applications. This paper proposes, based on a cast study, a network clock model application to heterogeneous sensor networks. The network clock model is a scheme by which a consistent notion of time can be shared among sensor networks’ devices in order to enable the combination of time and data for applications. This work serves to demonstrate the acquisition, keeping and distribution of standard time in a heterogeneous sensor network platform based on the network clock model.
Index Terms—Sensor networks, network clock model, time representation, time synchronization
Cite: Soyoung Hwang, "A Case Study: Application of Network Clock Model to Heterogeneous Sensor Networks," Journal of Communications, vol. 14, no. 7, pp. 587-592, 2019. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.14.7.587-592