Abstract—Eye tracking has become increasingly important in many sectors because of its ability to facilitate day to day activities, especially for users with special needs, where tasks as simple as turning on a light require effort. To tackle similar issues, we propose a model that utilizes Video Oculography approach through Tobii technology with added voice interfaces using Azure cloud to help control home appliances. This model traces the user via reflected infrared light patterns and calculates the gaze position automatically. This method uses no wearable technology through Video Oculography with multiple cameras which deliver several advantages; it provides accurate gaze estimates, portability of the video recording system, and fully remote recordings. Eye tracking facilitates interactions to control home appliances when the user cannot or does not wish to use their hands by means of the IoT and cloud Technologies. Eye tracking has great impact in countless fields such as neurology, cognition, communication and security of different categories. Focus groups and usability tests show that many users were satisfied with the straightforward use of the model, flexibility and reliability in interacting with the system, and accuracy in the movement of the pointer, make this model a reliable solution to simplifying some daily tasks.