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The IT Infrastructure’s Industrialization and Mastering

Z. Bakraouy, W. Abbass, A. Baina, and M. Bellafkih
National Institute of Posts and Telecommunication, INPT, Madinat Al Irfane, Rabat, Morocco

Abstract—Time and resources are currently under an increasing pressure. As a result, the installation and configuration of new equipment requires a solution that would provide automation for all types of content and portable platform. In fact, as the size of the IT infrastructure increases, the installation activities of desktops and their maintenance would grow proportionately, making it thus difficult to maintain the organizations’ Information System (IS) in terms of hardware and software. Incident Management (IM) handles all incidents reported by users through the service desk, technical staff and monitoring. However, not all incidents are similarly critical. Some parts of the IS are actually vital to the business, for example: databases, mail servers, applications, software. The main purpose of this paper is to keep the real-time IS in production and reduce the impact of incidents on the information system.

Index Terms—Computer park management; System Center Configuration Management; SCCM; System Center Service Management; SCSM; GLPI; incident management.

Cite: Z. Bakraouy, W. Abbass, A. Baina, and M. Bellafkih, "The IT Infrastructure’s Industrialization and Mastering,” vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 884-891, 2019. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.14.10.884-891.