Home > Published Issues > 2019 > Volume 14, No. 12, December 2019 >

Multi Path Routing Based Energy-Efficient for Extending Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks Lifetime

Fatiha Djemili Tolba 1 and Pascal Lorenz 2
1. Department of Computer Science, Badji Mokhtar-Annaba University, P.O. Box 12, 23000. Annaba, Algeria
2. GRTC-Colmar, University of Haute Alsace, 68008. Colmar, France

Abstract—Energy is a challenge in wireless sensor networks because of its effects on several fundamental functions of the network, such as data collection, communication and routing. Therefore, energy efficiency is a fundamental factor determining the performance and lifetime of the network. For this, the saving energy achieved in the WSN have led to many research projects on various aspects such as energy efficiency, energy management or energy control. In order to complete the data collection process, better multipath routing, which balances the traffic load is an additional challenge for WSN. With this in mind, we are developing energy efficiency and traffic load balanced strategies for the multipath routing algorithm. We first describe the principle of the proposed algorithm based on several metrics. Simulations were performed to check the performance of the proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm QLBR achieves an energy gain of 11% compared to the LBR algorithm and extended network lifetime by about 9%.
Index Terms—Mobile wireless sensor network, routing, energy, load balancing, network lifetime

Cite: Fatiha Djemili Tolba and Pascal Lorenz, “Multi Path Routing Based Energy-Efficient for Extending Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks Lifetime,”Journal of Communications vol. 14, no. 12, pp. 1224-1228, 2019. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.14.12.1224-1228