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Home > Published Issues > 2021 > Volume 16, No. 3, March 2021 >
On Golden Code Performances in Impulsive Noise MIMO Channels
Mihaela Andrei, George Petrea, and Viorel Nicolau
“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Galati, 800008, Romania
Abstract—Wireless technologies are the ones who provide fast communications on long distances. MIMO (Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output) Systems become an important factor in communication standards. At the beginning, this technology involved several antennas for both transmission and reception. Nowadays, in order to improve the performance of wireless transmissions, in addition to multi-channel propagation, error correction codes are used. Golden Code has some advantages, such as: maximum rate and diversity or coding gain. In this paper it is proposed an approach of using this code to mitigate the impulsive noise effects in a MIMO communication system. The Middleton Class-A noise was considered. The simulation was done for different values of the impulsive noise model parameters and showed that the probability density function depends on index impulse and on gaussian factor and the number of noise sources has no influence.
Index Terms—MIMO system; Golden Code; impulsive noise; Middleton Class-A
Cite: Mihaela Andrei, George Petrea, and Viorel Nicolau, "On Golden Code Performances in Impulsive Noise MIMO Channels," Journal of Communications vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 99-103, March 2021. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.16.3.99-103
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