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Home > Published Issues > 2022 > Volume 17, No. 11, November 2022 >
Implementation of Low Resource Parking Information System Prototype Based on Wireless Sensor Network
Moh Didik Darmawan Ali, Sugondo Hadiyoso, and Indrarini Dyah Irawati
School of Applied Science, Telkom University, 40287 Bandung, Indonesia
Abstract—In everyday life, humans need vehicles to support various activities. One thing that must be considered is the issue of parking availability in public places such as office buildings, campuses, shopping centers. In the previous technology, a parking system using automatic hydraulics was made. However, it requires a complex construction. In this study, a wireless parking availability information system was developed. This system is built using a ZigBee communication network. The installed low-cost light sensor will detect the presence or absence of a car occupying a parking slot. Then every driver who enters the parking area can find out information on parking availability. Based on the test results, the system can automatically provide information related to the status of the parking lot (filled or empty) with a sensor threshold (light intensity) of 153 cd. The maximum delay generated by the system during testing is 2.518462ms. The optimal data transmission distance is 40 meters.
Index Terms—Parking system, wireless, ZigBee, information
Cite: Moh Didik Darmawan Ali, Sugondo Hadiyoso, and Indrarini Dyah Irawati, "Implementation of Low Resource Parking Information System Prototype Based on Wireless Sensor Network," Journal of Communications vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 919-924, November 2022. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.17.11.919-924
Cite: Moh Didik Darmawan Ali, Sugondo Hadiyoso, and Indrarini Dyah Irawati, "Implementation of Low Resource Parking Information System Prototype Based on Wireless Sensor Network," Journal of Communications vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 919-924, November 2022. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.17.11.919-924
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