Abstract—This paper analyzed the performance of multi-hop relay cooperative spectrum sensing. The closed form expression of the upper bound of the detection probability of multi-hop relay cooperation is derived in Rayleigh flat fading channel. It provides the theoretical basis for analyzing the performance of multi-hop relay cooperative spectrum sensing. Simulation results show that the detection probability decreases as the increase of the hop number when each hop sub-channel has the same average signal to noise ratio (SNR). The detection performance of three-hop relay cooperative spectrum sensing outperforms that of two-hop relay when both SNRs of the last two hops in three-hop relay are 3 dB bigger than the SNR of the second hop in two-hop relay.
Index Terms—cognitive radio, cooperative spectrum sensing, multi-hop relay, detection probability
Cite:Shibing Zhang and Lili Guo, "Performance Analysis of Multi-hop Relay Cooperative Spectrum Sensing," Journal of Communications, vol. 7, no.12, pp.921-927, 2012. Doi: 10.4304/jcm.7.12.921-927