Home > Published Issues > 2024 > Volume 19, No. 8, 2024 >
JCM 2024 Vol.19(8): 365-374
DOI: 10.12720/jcm.19.8.365-374

An Indoor to Outdoor RSSI Based Positioning System Using EKF with Different Distance Correction Algorithm

Ronal Tandiawan, Susilo Wibowo, and Rafina Destiarti Ainul*
Electrical Engineering Department, Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA), Indonesia
Email: ronaltandiawan@gmail.com (R.T.); susilo_w@staff.ubaya.ac.id (S.W.); rafina@staff.ubaya.ac.id (R.D.A.)
*Corresponding author

Manuscript received March 8, 2024; revised May 26, 2024; accepted June 5, 2024; Published August 13, 2024.

Abstract—Locating the target nodes of indoor environment using the received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) measurement, often applies in several field areas. With the rise of location services applications, the need for positioning extends from indoor to outdoor areas, using same indicator in estimated position process. To address these challenges, this paper aims to propose indoor to outdoor positioning system using RSSI-based technique from Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) transmission as a low-cost method in localization. By combining an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) with Different Distance Correction (DDC) as the position estimation algorithm, it shows that the position accuracy result from the conventional multi-lateration based four RSSI measurement references can be significantly increased. To comprehensively evaluate the system performance, experiments are carried out in laboratory campus as the indoor environment and hallway outside the laboratory as the outdoor environment. The experimental results show that the proposed system using EKF-DDC can achieve error estimation only in 0.34 meters and the accuracy reaches up to 95.9% compared with only using conventional multi-lateration reached high error estimation up to 8.15 m at indoor to outdoor environment.

Keywords—indoor to outdoor positioning system, Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI), Extended Kalman Filter- Different Distance Correction (EKF-DDC), multi-lateration, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

Cite: Ronal Tandiawan, Susilo Wibowo, and Rafina Destiarti Ainul, “An Indoor to Outdoor RSSI Based Positioning System Using EKF with Different Distance Correction Algorithm," Journal of Communications, vol. 19, no. 8, pp. 365-374, 2024.


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