Abstract— Propagation properties of square, hexagonal and octagonal lattice photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) have been analyzed here for both stressed and unstressed conditions. The analysis has been carried out using finite element method. All types of PCFs are investigated here by varying number of air hole rings with same design and operating parameters. The results show that external stress causes PCFs deformation as well as change of propagation properties and this effect is not same for different types of PCFs. We have found that hexagonal PCFs are comparatively more sensitive than square and octagonal for birefringence properties. Furthermore propagation properties of octagonal PCFs remain almost unchanged with the increase of external stress. It is also found that PCFs with lower number of number of air hole rings is comparatively highly sensitive than higher number of air hole rings.
Index Terms— Photonic crystal fiber, finite element method, confinement loss and elasto-optic effect.
Cite:M. R. Khatun and M. S. Islam, "Propagation Properties and Stress Sensitivity of S-PCF, H-PCF and O-PCF," Journal of Communications, vol. 7, no.11, pp.832-839, 2012. Doi: 10.4304/jcm.7.11.832-839