Abstract— A perfect cell partitioning (PCP) scheme is de-scribed for controlling the transmission power of base stations in a cellular communication system to prevent radio frequency interference among adjacent base stations. A base station using this scheme can use its entire frequency range, while oneusing theconventional schemecan useonlya quarter of it. Simulation and analytic results showed that the PCP scheme is more effective than the conventional one when the node density is lower than 6. However, the probability of successful communication is relatively low. A modified version of this scheme in which the base station sacrifices the nodes near its border has a significantly higher probability. Simulation and analytic results showed that the success probability of the modified scheme is as much as 0.67 higher than that of the original one when the occupation ratio is 1.2 and that a base station using the modified scheme can use its frequency range more effectively than one using the original or conventional scheme.
Index Terms— perfect cell partitioning, transmission power control, mobile communication, high-speed data transfer, information distribution, radio frequency interference
Cite:Masahiro Sasabe and Hirotaka Nakano, "Perfect Cell Partitioning Scheme for Micro-Cellular Networks," Journal of Communications, vol. 7, no.10, pp.749-757, 2012. Doi: 10.4304/jcm.7.10.749-757