Abstract—Optical networks are in the evolution of transparent architectures, the effects of the physical layer impairments are becoming more and more prominent. This paper setting out from multiple physical impairments, analyzes the effects as well as the diversity and complexity of the physical layer impairments in optical networks, investigates the issue of the current-related physical layer impairments estimation models which only consider a simple impairment, and at last, proposes a physical layer impairments estimation model considering multiple physical impairments based on the Q-factor. The results show that this model can be more accurate in estimating the state of physical layer impairments in the lightpath and make the physical layer impairments routing and wavelength assignment (PLI-RWA ) algorithm more effective to avoid the effects of the physical layer impairments in routing.
Index Terms—Transparent optical networks; physical layer impairments; Q-factor; estimation model; PLI-RWA
Cite:Jijun Zhao, Kai Zhang, Lirong Wang, and Yi Wang, "Study of Q-factor Estimation Model Based on Multi-Physical Impairments in Transparent Optical Networks," Journal of Communications, vol. 7, no.10, pp.774-780, 2012. Doi: 10.4304/jcm.7.10.774-780