Abstract— This paper presents a comprehensive review of the cognitive radio network (CRN) testbed built at TTU. Our goals are (1) to use our CRN testbed as a data acquisition tool; (2) to use random matrix theory to model the collect data and apply the new models in the context of quantum information. We attempt to achieve a balance between experimental work and theoretical work. We first spell out the vision and concrete tasks for our research in the near future. Second, we review our latest results in an more accessible manner than the conference version.
Index Terms— Cognitive Radio Network, Spectrum Sensing, Distributed Sensing
Cite:Robert C. Qiu, Changchun Zhang, Zhen Hu, and Michael C. Wicks, "Towards A Large-Scale Cognitive Radio Network Testbed: Spectrum Sensing, System Architecture, and Distributed Sensing," Journal of Communications, vol. 7, no.7, pp.552-566, 2012. Doi: 10.4304/jcm.7.7.552-566