Abstract—Vehicular communications are becoming a re¬ality due to the investments by stakeholders like car man¬ufacturers and Public Transport Authorities. The building blocks of the ”Vehicle Grid” (radios, Access Points, spec¬trum, standards, etc.) are coming into place enabling a broad gamut of applications that range from navigation safety, intelligent transport, entertainment and urban sens¬ing. Vehicular protocols and applications, however, must be carefully tested before deployment in the urban grid and introduction to the users. This validation must be carried out progressively in simulation, emulation and small scale testbed environments. In this paper we discuss the important role of the vehicular testbed in validating models and protocols before deployment in large scale scenarios. We illustrate the concept using two case studies that were carried out in the UCLA open vehicular testbed.
Index Terms—vehicular testbed, VANET, AODV, OLSR, virtualization, emulation, radio propagation
Cite:Mario Gerla, Jui-Ting Weng, Eugenio Giordano, and Giovanni Pau, "Vehicular Testbeds - Model Validation before Large Scale Deployment," Journal of Communications, vol. 7, no.6, pp.451-457, 2012. Doi: 10.4304/jcm.7.6.451-457