Abstract—Acooperative ratio-based scheduling scheme with minimal signaling that enhances network throughput and fairness in a wireless ad hoc network is presented in this paper. Throughput maximization problem under fairness constraintina finite horizonisformulatedasanovel multi-window optimization problem. Through analysis users’ thresholds are shown to be time variant for throughput maximization with fairness in each time window. Simulation results clearly show that compared with non decision-based strategy, simple ratio-based scheme (SR) achieves within 1.6% of the global optimal value in terms of throughput and is scalable in terms of the number of nodes. Fairness index performance is marginally better than non decision-based strategy. Next, we show throughput degradation of SR schemefor asymmetric channels, and introduce general ratio-based scheme (GR) that adapts to provide higher throughput than fairness in a fully distributed manner for asymmetric channel conditions.
Index Terms— ad hoc network, finite horizon, ratio-based scheduling, optimal linear scheduling.
Cite:Murad Khalid, Yufeng Wang, Xuan Hung Le, In-ho Ra, and Ravi Sankar, "Distributed Adaptive Scheduling for Finite Horizon in Wireless Ad hoc Networks," Journal of Communications, vol. 7, no.2, pp.155-164, 2012. Doi: 10.4304/jcm.7.2.155-164