Abstract— The massive and timely delivery of media is gradually integrating itself with the dynamic composition of media-oriented services so that new types of customized media services can be created according to the diverse de¬mand of end users. The resulting effective and differentiated networking support will become one of the most important requirements of the network infrastructure in the future. In this survey paper, we first present the emerging trend on the interaction of media-oriented service composition and overlay-based networks by introducing related technical issues. Then, we describe the top-down and the bottom-up approaches that coordinate service mapping using the service overlay networks (SONs) and provisioning resources for them, respectively. Finally, we examine latest research on futuristic overlay networks for service realization.
Keywords: Service oriented architecture, media-oriented service composition, service mapping and place¬ment, service overlay networks, and P2P networks.
Cite:JongWon Kim, Sang Woo Han, Dong-Hoon Yi, Namgon Kim and C.-C. Jay Kuo , "Media-Oriented Service Composition with Service Overlay Networks: Challenges, Approaches and Future Trends," Journal of Communications, vol. 5, no. 5, pp.374-389, 2010. Doi: 10.4304/jcm.5.5.374-389