Abstract—We present a framework for audio fingerprint¬ing, rather general in its essence, but especially tuned for being used in the context of broadcast monitoring. We efficiently implemented a robust fingerprinting algorithm and a suitable retrieval method. Ample sections are devoted to strategies for improving both the reliability and the speed of the overall system. The outcomes of plentiful experiments on a database of 100 000 songs are analyzed, and two common kinds of distortion (pitching and thermal noise) are investigated. To better drive design decisions, we also provide in-depth discussion on the scalability of the indexing algorithm.
Index Terms—Broadcast monitoring, audio fingerprinting, music indexing and retrieval.
Cite: Carlo Bellettini, Gianluca Mazzini, "A Framework for Robust Audio Fingerprinting," Journal of Communications, vol. 5, no. 5, pp.409-424, 2010. Doi: 10.4304/jcm.5.5.409-424