Abstract—Recently, Yang et al. proposed a three-party encrypted key exchange protocol (3PAKE) which is based on Elliptic curve cryptography. Their 3PAKE protocol is efficient because it requires less computation cost and less communication cost, which is well suitable for mobile commerce environments. However, Yang et al.’s 3PAKE protocol is susceptible to parallel attacks and impersonation attacks. We presented an enhancement to resolve such security problems. Detailed analyses show that our proposed protocol is a secure 3PAKE protocol and more efficient.
Index Terms—key exchange, unknown key-share attacks, impersonation attacks, authentication
Cite: Zuowen Tan , "An Enhanced Three-Party Authentication Key Exchange Protocol for Mobile Commerce Environments ," Journal of Communications, vol. 5, no. 5, pp.436-443, 2010. Doi: 10.4304/jcm.5.5.436-443