Abstract - Consider a binary baseband vector-valued communication channel modeled by a zero-mean CGN vector N with a non-singular covariance matrix /. We study the maximum loss of system performance using the metric of a decrease of PD for a fixed PFA. Under H0, the observed vector is given by x = n, while under H1, x=s+n. The optimum receiver compares the statistic xT s to a threshold Ȗ determined by PFA. However, the sub¬optimum mismatched receiver assumes a WGN with a statistic Psub dD
equal to T given by x s, -1 T QQ( PFA ) _ s 4 s d T ȁss T _s __ Schwarz Inequality. For a finding the maximum degraded (i.e., smallest) P is D equivalent to finding the signal vector s that attains the TT _1 maxium of _s ȁss ȁ s_, which uses the convex __ optimization method based on the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions. The mismatched system performance degradation is formulated as a margin loss in SNR(dB) useful for robust communication system engineering analysis and design. Some explicit examples illustrating the margin loss are given. Index Terms -Digital communication system performance degradation, mismatched receiver, margin loss, convex optimization, KKT condition.
Cite: Kung Yao and Flavio Lorenzelli, "Analysis of Performance Degradation using Convex Optimization for a Mismatched Receiver ," Journal of Communications, vol. 5, no.6, pp.483-492, 2010. Doi: 10.4304/jcm.5.6.483-492