Abstract— Wireless networks are a growing technology due to its ability to receive data in areas where it is very hard to plug-in using wires. TCP Reno assumes in his congestion algorithms that the packet loss is the major cause of network congestion. In wireless networks, this is not correct because having a high bit error rate leads also to a packet loss. Link layer approach is one of the most efficient proposed solutions to maintain TCP over wireless networks. For example, having hybrid ARQ type 1 with Fano decoding, which is an error correction technique, is very appropriate and is of concern in wireless networks due to its capability of offering decoding steps, which are dependent to the channel state. In this paper, we propose a novel queuing model to see the effect of employing Fano decoding on the buffer of wireless access or end points since it is a very effective network parameter and cannot be neglected. Our queuing model is concerned not only about those departed packets after being decoded using Fano algorithm, but also the way packets arrive to the wireless access or end point systems. An analytical study has been conducted to derive a general form expression for the average number of packets residing in the system’s buffer. On the other hand, a simulation study using programming language has been performed to validate our analytical results.
Index Terms— Expected queue size, Fano decoding, partial decoding, queuing analysis and simulation, TCP performance.
Cite: Khalid A. Darabkh, "Queuing Analysis and Simulation of Wireless Access and End Point Systems using Fano Decoding," Journal of Communications, vol. 5, no. 7, pp.551-561, 2010. Doi: 10.4304/jcm.5.7.551-561