Abstract—This paper presents impedance matched high gain inverted-L antenna (ILA) and stair ILA for 5 GHz wireless local area network (WLAN) by means of numerical and experimental analysis. Numerical simulation is carried out using method of moments in Numerical Electromagnetic Code (NEC-2) and agilent vector network analyzer, watts antenna trainer, and microwave engineering trainer are used for the measurement. The experimental results show that ILA and stair ILA has 10-dB return loss bandwidth of 650 MHz (5170 – 5820 MHz) and 360 MHz (5320 – 5680 MHz) respectively covering the unlicensed national information infrastructure (U-NII) mid frequency bands for 5 GHz WLAN operation. Omnidirectional radiation patterns are achieved for both antennas in XY plane and the antennas have peak gain of 6.65 and 10.987 dBi respectively at center frequency (5.5 GHz) of antenna operating bandwidth. Moreover, the antennas have radiation efficiency of greater than 84% and 91% respectively within the return loss bandwidth.
Index Terms— ILA, Matching network, Stair ILA, WLAN.
Cite: Khaled Mahbub Morshed , Debabrata Kumar Karmokar , and Mitun Talukder, "Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Impedance Matched Inverted-L and Stair Inverted-L Antenna for 5 GHz WLAN Operation," Journal of Communications, vol. 5, no. 8, pp.612-619, 2010. Doi: 10.4304/jcm.5.8.612-619